[Jul 2024] SiRIUS Lab was awarded a NSF grant for the project on transforming tribal community resilience against extreme wind hazards - Read More

[Jul 2024] SiRIUS Lab was awarded a grant by the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) for a research project on integrated resilience framework - Read More

[Jul 2024] Our new open access paper published in Resilient Cities and Structures was highlighted in the webinar “IN-CORE: Next-Gen Resilience Modeling of Communities for Policy Decisions” - Read More

[Jul 2024] Ph.D. student Aleem Ullah accepted into the C-GCA Pilot Program by NSF’s CMMI division

[Jul 2024] Ph.D. student Aleem Ullah accepted to 2024 NHERI Computational Academy with NSF travel support - Read More

[Jun 2024] Dr. Roohi co-organized a special session on AI for bridge infrastructure assessment at IABMAS 2024 in Copenhagen - Read More

[May 2024] NSF Primary Travel Award Recipient to join Natural Hazards Research Summit, College Park, MD

[May 2024] Undergraduate Student Geoffrey Sanderson recommended for UCARE funding for 2024-2025 academic year

[May 2024] Undergraduate Student Jordan Taylor recommended for UCARE funding for 2024-2025 academic year

[May 2024] Undergraduate Student Jed Fuller recommended for UCARE funding for 2024-2025 academic year

[May 2024] Developed and taught new course AREN 4940/8940 Infrastructure and Community Resilience at UNL

[March 2024] Mentored three students (Geoffrey Sanderson, Jordan Taylor, Jed Fuller) to submit UCARE application

[Feb 2024] SiRIUS lab attended 2024 college of engineering graduate symposium - Read More

[Feb 2024] Dr. Roohi delivered the American Society of Civil Engineers EMI Dynamics Seminar - Read More

[Feb 2024] Ph.D. Student Aleem Ullah attended and presented a conference paper at IMAC XLII Conference - Read More

[Jun 2024] Co-taught ENGR 491/891 Sp. Topics: Improvisation Skills for The Complete Engineer at UNL


[Dec 2023] Dr. Roohi completed the Faculty Teaching Fellows Program by Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

[Dec 2023] Dr. Roohi completed the Learning by Design Program by Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

[Dec 2022] Dr. Roohi completed the Peer Observations of Classroom Activities (POCA) program by Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

[Nov 2023] Dr. Roohi and Ph.D. student Saeid Ghasemi attended and presented at NIST SAM in Gaithersburg, MD - Read More

[Nov 2023] Ph.D. Student Saeid Ghasemi Presented at Durham School Seminar - Read More

[Nov 2023] Nebraska I-Corps Program Participant completed intensive innovation and commercialization program

[Oct 2023] Dr. Roohi delivered an invited seminar at Rice University - Read More

[Oct 2023] Dr. Roohi Received UNL Research Development Fellows Program (RDFP) Award - Read More

[Oct 2022] Selected as one of six University of Nebraska College of Engineering Research Fellows - Read More

[Sep 2023] Travel Grant Recipient attended NHERI Wall of Wind Facility Workshop, Florida International University

[Aug 2023] Ph.D. student Saeid Ghasemi and Dr. Roohi received travel grants to attend Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and Reduction Symposium (THWARTS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  - Read More

[Aug 2023] SiRIUS lab welcomes a new Ph.D. student: Aleem Ullah Cheema - Read More

[July 2023] Travel Grant Recipient attended Timber Engineering Design Faculty Development Workshop, Clemson University

[June 2023] Travel Grant Recipient attended NHERI UF Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Workshop, University of Florida

[May 2023] Selected by UNL's Office of Research and Development to participate in Research Development Fellows Program

[May 2023] Travel Grant Recipient attended NSF RAPID Facility Intensive Equipment Training Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle

[May 2023] NSF CMMI Panel Fellow participated in NSF Game Changer Academies for Advancing Research Innovation

[Apr 2023] Congrats to Ph.D. Student Saied Ghasemi for Receiving Travel Grant Award for the 2023 EERI Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California

[Jan 2023] Dr. Roohi Served as a Panel Member of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response & Management - Read More

[Jan 2023] Dr. Roohi Chaired Sessions at Canadian Conference-Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering at UBC - Read More



[Apr 2022] Attended the NIST Semi-Annual Meeting at Colorado State University

[Apr 2022] Delivered a guest lecture in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering at Colorado State University

[Feb 2022] Attended and presented at the ASCE 2022 Lifelines Conference at UCLA

[Jan 2022] Served as a Technical Reviewer at the 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Salt Lake City, UT


[Sep 2021] Presented at the 17WCEE Special Session on Infrastructure Systems Resilience

[Aug 2021] Paper on resilience modeling accepted for publication at 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

[May 2021] Presented at the EMI2021 Conference at Columbia University

[May 2021] Served as a judge for the ASCE Dynamics Committee Student Paper Competition at EMI2021

[May 2021] Served as a judge for the ASCE Structural Control and Health Monitoring Committee Student Paper Competition at EMI2021

[Mar 2021] Joined Aon as a Senior Scientist in the Impact Forecasting R&D Center of Excellence

[Mar 2021] Delivered an invited talk on smart resilient cities at the University of Notre Dame

[Mar 2021] Abstract published in the ASCE Lifelines Conference 2021-2022 Abstract Book

[Mar 2021] Delivered an invited seminar talk at New Mexico Tech

[Mar 2021] Journal article published in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

[Jan 2021] Joined the ISCRAM2021 Planning, Foresight and Risk Analysis Program Committee


[Nov 2020] Presented at the NIST Center of Excellence Virtual Semi-annual Meeting

[Oct 2020] Paper published in ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics

[Oct 2020] Delivered an invited seminar talk at the University of Vermont

[Oct 2020] Selected as a member of the IABSE Task Group on Infrastructure Resilience

[Aug 2020] Abstract accepted for the ASCE/IRD UCLA Lifelines 2021 Conference

[Jul 2020] Paper published in the Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

[Jul 2020] Served as a moderator at the 2020 Natural Hazards Center Researchers Meeting

[Jul 2020] Paper published in the Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring

[Apr 2020] Paper published in Frontiers in Built Environment

[Apr 2020] Attended the ASCE/SEI Wood Committee Virtual Meeting

[Jan 2020] Joined the EMI Dynamics Committee as a voting member


[Nov 2019] Held a Kick-off meeting in Denver for Balloon-style CLT building seismic performance factors

[Nov 2019] Attended the NIST-CoE semi-annual meeting in Washington DC

[Oct 2019] Delivered an invited talk at the University of New Mexico

[Sep 2019] Presented at the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring at Stanford University

[Aug 2019] Accepted a Postdoctoral Fellow position at the NIST Center of Excellence for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning

[Jul 2019] Defended Ph.D. dissertation on seismic monitoring of instrumented buildings


[Jul 2018] Presented at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference organized by MIT

[Apr 2018] Delivered an invited talk at Colorado State University on post-earthquake assessment of minimally instrumented buildings


[Jul 2017] Visited the NEHRI full-scale shake table test at NEES@UCSD Shake Table

[Jul 2017] Presented a paper at the 7th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures

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